
2022-09-23     菁菁

[4] [波斯] 志費尼. 世界征服者史(下冊) [M] . 何高濟,譯. 翁獨健,校訂. 南京:江蘇教育出版社,2005.

[5] Enno Franzius. History of the Order of Assassins[M] . New York: Funk & Wasgnalls,1969.

[6] J. Riley-Smith. The Knights of St. John in Jerusalem and Cyprus[M] . London: Macmillam St. Martin Press,1967.

[7] Silvertre de Sacy. Memoir on the Dynasty of the Assassins, and on the Etymology of Their Name[A] . translated by Azizeh Azodi, in Assassin Legends: Myth of the Ismai'lis[M] . London:I. B. Tauris,1995.

[8] Bernard Lewis. The Assassins: A Radical Sect in Islam[M] . New York:Octagon Books,1980.

[9] Farhad Daftary. The Ismā'īlīs: Their History and Doctrine[M] . second edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2007.

[10] Farhad Daftary. Assassin Legends: Myth of the Ismai'lis[M] . London:I. B. Tauris,1995.

[11] Bernard Lewis. The Assassins:A Radical Sect in Islam[M] . Octagon Books,1980.
