
2022-10-08     菁菁

一切都很合理,你永遠都不能期望NA可以打敗像飛翔的生蚝(CFO的隊名)一樣的勁旅 -按常理和任何航空管制來說,生蚝不應該會飛 -按常理來說人應該是玩食物的那一方,而NA就厲害了,他們被食物玩

NA getting their reality check earlier than usual.


well NA bros it was a fun 3 days while it lasted o7 time for our yearly dose of suffering


damn this was supposed to be NA’s easiest day too

-From the looks of it it might still be.

今天本來應該是NA最簡單的一天的。。。 -別這麼悲觀,或許後面更糟糕

I guess this year’s shitty theme song is written for NA specifically, they really should star walkin』 home.

今年跟屎一樣的主題曲是專門給NA寫的吧,他們真應該開始走回家了 (Star Walkin』 與Start walking 發音一樣,後者 有走路回家的意思)

Game 4 JDG vs EG

It's actually unreal how fast and how in-sync JDG pull the trigger on engaging, to the point where they catch a team completely off guard even while down gold/tempo

-Their synergy was really something else in team fights.

京東的團隊性和協調性還有對開團時機的把握簡直強得不真實,他們可以做到在經濟落後的情況下打對面隊伍一個措手不及 -他們的協調性在團戰中真的恐怖

Well, EG were winning until they weren』t lol


JDG raising NA's hopium stock to make it crash even harder.


In this episode, Kanavi went kind on 369:

"I felt criticizing won't work, so I decided to praise him."

「How did you master Sejuani in one season? Dude, you rarely pick Sejuani, and you played Sejuani amazing.」

369: "okay."

Yagao:" This is the first time I saw something like this, I was stunned."

Kanavi also added in the interview:

"369 is still young, he can still play, and he can still play for a long time. If he can understand the reason behind it, maybe he can play better and better in the future."

最新一集的來者何人: Kanavi:我覺得就是說,好好講可能聽不進去,就可能確實要友善一些。 「我們上路可以豬妹,對面不行。 我都不知道我們訓練賽在練豬妹。一個賽季練一個豬妹有這麼簡單嗎?豬妹玩的跟神一樣」 369: okok 牙膏:我也是第一次看到這個,我當時都呆住了。我那時候心裡想,我要不要站出來夸一下,就感覺他被誇太多了,還是算了我不說了 Kanavi後來說:第一我希望你心裡不要有抵抗,覺得我們所有人都在捧殺你。相反我覺得我們大家都在保護你。 他還年輕,他還能打,他要是能明白那種其中的道理的話,以後可能會打的越來越好吧

Ah yes, the rare and mythical 0-3 region day. At least it can't get any worse. The only way from here is up!

好耶,罕見的一整個賽區被0-3. 不過至少我們可以樂觀起來,當你在深淵時你只能向上看!

I thought worlds was at NA not at China, jesus they were cheering so loud

-NA might not win a game but the crowd was fantastic.

我還以為世界賽是在中國舉辦的,他們歡呼聲真的好大啊 -NA或許一場都贏不了,但是觀眾是真的熱情!


I can't even imagine what EDG coach is going to do to Jiejie and Flandre after this game LOL

