

Game 1 C9 vs FNC

1.Draft a pick comp

2.Force 5v5 teamfights against Ornn Maokai




-C9 got gaslighted by LCS thinking they could bruteforce at Worlds.

-Unlucky for C9 that enemy botlane actually has real players so they lose their main win condition

1.選一個抓單的陣容 2.面對奧恩茂凱強行5v5 3.??? 4.失敗 -打茂凱就選妖姬,就是玩! -C9打LCS打出幻覺了,總覺得他們可以在世界賽莽出一片天 -C9運氣真背,他們打的對手下路竟然是真人,所以他們失去了主要獲勝的手段

riot putting c9 as the first game just so NA fans do not get any hope since the start, RIP

-NA fans spending $1000 on resale tickets to watch NA lose

拳頭把C9放在第一場就是為了讓這些NA粉絲們從一開始就別抱有這些不切實際的幻想 -NA的冤大頭粉絲們花了1000刀買黃牛票就為了看NA輸掉比賽

Did Rhuckz teach Fnatic how to play with restraint? This is one of the cleanest games they've played all year

-Not all of them. Hyli still died level 3 as per usual.

Rhucks是教會FNC怎麼控制住自己不要送了嗎?這把遊戲看起來竟然是FNC一整年裡看起來最乾淨利落的一把遊戲。 -也不是所有人,至少海麗桑三級還是照樣送了,和往常一樣

Jensen got giga baited by NA mids thinking Leblanc would be good vs international mids

Jensen 被騙了,LCS那群魚們讓他產生了他的妖姬可以應付世界級中單的錯覺

Game 2 G2 vs DK

Damwon are still mad about 2019 or what?

-You know it brother. Worst thing G2 ever did was the celebration in front of Damwon in 2019. Ever since then show maker and Canyon have been on a vendetta

-Showmaker never forgets

DK 還在因為S9世界賽生氣嗎?(S9八強賽G2 3:1 Damwon) -兄弟你是知道的,G2竟然在他們面前慶祝勝利,從那時候開始Showmaker和Canyon就不停的找機會復仇 -秀神永遠不會忘記 -DK 生氣了 (NOW MAD是Damwon 反過來)


Game 3 CFO vs 100T

I remember complaining the past 5 years about the game times being unwatchable for NA

I think I want to go back to that

rather wake up disappointed than wait hours just to be let down

這五年來我一直在抱怨LCS的遊戲時間太長了看起來太累…我錯了,我想回到那段時間 -我寧願失望的醒來,也不想被折磨幾個小時

It makes sense, you could never expect them to beat a powerhouse like Flying Oysters.

They'll have to pick up wins against the weaker teams in the group.

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way an oyster should be able to fly.

Usually people play with their food, Apparently in NA, their food plays with them。

一切都很合理,你永遠都不能期望NA可以打敗像飛翔的生蚝(CFO的隊名)一樣的勁旅 -按常理和任何航空管制來說,生蚝不應該會飛 -按常理來說人應該是玩食物的那一方,而NA就厲害了,他們被食物玩



NA getting their reality check earlier than usual.


well NA bros it was a fun 3 days while it lasted o7 time for our yearly dose of suffering


damn this was supposed to be NA’s easiest day too

-From the looks of it it might still be.

今天本來應該是NA最簡單的一天的。。。 -別這麼悲觀,或許後面更糟糕

I guess this year’s shitty theme song is written for NA specifically, they really should star walkin』 home.

今年跟屎一樣的主題曲是專門給NA寫的吧,他們真應該開始走回家了 (Star Walkin』 與Start walking 發音一樣,後者 有走路回家的意思)

Game 4 JDG vs EG

It's actually unreal how fast and how in-sync JDG pull the trigger on engaging, to the point where they catch a team completely off guard even while down gold/tempo

-Their synergy was really something else in team fights.

京東的團隊性和協調性還有對開團時機的把握簡直強得不真實,他們可以做到在經濟落後的情況下打對面隊伍一個措手不及 -他們的協調性在團戰中真的恐怖

Well, EG were winning until they weren』t lol


JDG raising NA's hopium stock to make it crash even harder.


In this episode, Kanavi went kind on 369:

"I felt criticizing won't work, so I decided to praise him."

「How did you master Sejuani in one season? Dude, you rarely pick Sejuani, and you played Sejuani amazing.」

369: "okay."

Yagao:" This is the first time I saw something like this, I was stunned."

Kanavi also added in the interview:

"369 is still young, he can still play, and he can still play for a long time. If he can understand the reason behind it, maybe he can play better and better in the future."

最新一集的來者何人: Kanavi:我覺得就是說,好好講可能聽不進去,就可能確實要友善一些。 「我們上路可以豬妹,對面不行。 我都不知道我們訓練賽在練豬妹。一個賽季練一個豬妹有這麼簡單嗎?豬妹玩的跟神一樣」 369: okok 牙膏:我也是第一次看到這個,我當時都呆住了。我那時候心裡想,我要不要站出來夸一下,就感覺他被誇太多了,還是算了我不說了 Kanavi後來說:第一我希望你心裡不要有抵抗,覺得我們所有人都在捧殺你。相反我覺得我們大家都在保護你。 他還年輕,他還能打,他要是能明白那種其中的道理的話,以後可能會打的越來越好吧

Ah yes, the rare and mythical 0-3 region day. At least it can't get any worse. The only way from here is up!

好耶,罕見的一整個賽區被0-3. 不過至少我們可以樂觀起來,當你在深淵時你只能向上看!

I thought worlds was at NA not at China, jesus they were cheering so loud

-NA might not win a game but the crowd was fantastic.

我還以為世界賽是在中國舉辦的,他們歡呼聲真的好大啊 -NA或許一場都贏不了,但是觀眾是真的熱情!


I can't even imagine what EDG coach is going to do to Jiejie and Flandre after this game LOL



Get the Karsa pasta ready boys

-They do have their own fresh pasta

我都想像不了EDG的教練賽後會怎麼罵jiejie和聖槍哥哈哈哈 兄弟們把卡薩聖經準備好 -EDG有最新的聖經了(RNG vs EDG賽後茂凱發火)

doinb in shambles

-doinb and his "we won't lose a single match from now on"

Doinb正在顫抖 -doinb:從現在開始我們會一場不輸

I swear getting Baron is the biggest contributor to losses at World's



Me: Can't wait for Ruler vs Gala, battle of the hyper-carries

Ruler: No

我:等不及看尺帝打gala了,超級adc之戰 尺帝:不

the most disgusting thing about RNG is that they always play to the level of their opponent

-good news for 100T cuz they』re fucking terrible

RNG最噁心的是他們總能表現出和他們對手相近的水平 -那對100T可是個天大的好消息因為他們就是一坨謝特

it's what i've been trying to say lol, you can't really make any conclusion on rng level just because they lost to dfm or other random team

they do this shit all the time


Well this was not the KR 1-1 CN that anyone was expecting


Best part of the game was when Lehends flipped Breathe into Ruler and killed him.

-breathe looked like he was playing mario there

這場遊戲的高光是Lehends把呼吸扔到尺帝面前 -呼吸看起來就像在玩馬里奧一樣

Wow Chovy got so much cs and Xiaohu not even one kill, what a midlaner diff, incredible

-surely he will effectively utilize this gold advantage to have crucial impact in team fights

Wow Chovy的cs真多,反觀小虎一個人頭都沒有,中路差距太大了,不可思議 -那麼chovy肯定有效的利用了他的經濟領先來對carry團戰了吧

Xiaohu was so chad this entire game

"I have like 1.5 items and am down 60 CS? ENGAGE"


RNG beat GenG, DFM beat RNG, therefore LJL > LCK


Hmm, at least Chovy's CS Game is on point.. /s


breathe be like: we are just 4th seed


Went to the bathroom and got ganked by Wei, Xiaohu, and Ming

-wanted to walk my dog after dinner and xiaohu was already outside walking him

去了趟廁所,被虎明威給gank了 -本來想在晚飯後出去遛狗,發現小虎已經在溜它了

doinb really has the curse



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